TSARC seeking members

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Transfer Station and Recycling Committee (TSARC) Seeks New Members

The Transfer Station and Recycling Committee is seeking new members.   TSARC provides guidance and helps the DPW and Transfer Station staffs implement the guiding principles that the Selectmen endorsed in October 2015.  We are an active working committee excited about many new initiatives we have begun and have ideas for.   The areas of focus include Transfer Station Operations, Swap Area, recycling programs, Medfield Green Month and other initiatives that help reduce waste, including the upcoming pilot program for composting organics.  We are interested in having a diverse committee with both individuals who are passionate about recycling and reducing waste and those who are primarily focused on the efficient operation of the Transfer Station.  We are looking for up to three new members as we currently have six members and are authorized to have up to nine.  The committee meets at 10 am on the 2nd Monday of each month.

To learn more about serving on the committee, please contact Megan Sullivan, Chairman at mbsul@comcast.net  or 359-8274.

Transfer Station Guiding Principles

  • Minimize trash incinerated and reduce costs to the Town
  • Encourage the principles of reduce, reuse, recycle
  • Provide alternative disposal options as feasible (such as recycling, the swap area, donation drop-off bins, special collection days, etc.)
  • Encourage residents, in a polite way, to comply with the regulations of the Town and State for recycling and disposal
  • Do our best to be environmentally conscious to ensure quality of life for future Medfield generations





One response to “TSARC seeking members

  1. Megan Sullivan

    thanks for the shout out Pete!
